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Chocolate Primotalii - (Capsicum chinense)
The Chocolate Primotalii pepper, a variety of Capsicum chinense, is rumored to surpass the Carolina Reaper in heat, with some saying it’s the hottest they’ve ever tried. It’s likely a cross of the original red Primotalii, producing larger, gnarly, dark brown pods with unique shapes, often with tails or boomerang curves. Not just a color variant, this pepper has a distinct form, thicker flesh, and an intense, smoky flavor typical of chocolate peppers. Known for its high productivity, Chocolate Primotalii plants yield many super-hot pods that mature from green to dark chocolate brown, with some plants even producing mustard-colored pods due to its possible genetic instability.
Heat level: Estimated 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 SHU – Extreme Heat.
Flavor: Smoky Sweet before the blistering heat.
Ive always had good luck with Bohica. Started the seeds a couple days ago indoors so we will see how the germination goes.