New Lower $4.95 Flat Rate On Sauce
June 24, 2020
Just wanted to give everyone an update on the grow progress in the garden.
It was a very slow start to the season with all the rain and cool temperatures. Looking back a pictures from last season we look to be about 2-3 weeks behind schedule but seems to have caught up a tad this week. Weather looks great for the next 10 days so we should experience some very good growth.
As they continue to ripen we will be offering a few more options for Fresh Pepper Boxes this year. This is what we are planning for now:
On occasion we might be able to have some different types if there are enough available.
We are up to around 325 different varieties of peppers that we will eventually have listed for seeds on the site. We will be adding as fast as they are producing. This is the list to date:
Bohica Pepper Hut - 2020 Grow List
Pasilla Mixe Chili / Oaxaca Chili | Hot Red Cherry |
7 Bot Brown Wrecking Ball | Hurt Berry |
7 Pot Barrackpore | Inferno |
7 Pot Bhutlah Bubblegum Chocolate | Italian Roaster |
7 Pot Bhutlah Bubblegum Red | Italian Sweet Frying |
7 Pot Brown Douglah x Reaper | Jalabanero |
7 Pot Bubblegum | Jalapeno Brown |
7 Pot Bubblegum Yellow Pepper Plant | Jalapeno Chernobyl |
7 Pot Chocolate Brain Strain | Jalapeno Farmers Market |
7 Pot Congo SR Gigantic | Jalapeno Ghostly |
7 Pot Defcon | Jalapeno M |
7 Pot Evergreen | Jalapeno Orange |
7 Pot Jonah x Congo Red | Jalapeno Purple |
7 Pot Katie | Jalapeno Zapotec |
7 Pot Lava Chocolate | Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion |
7 Pot Lava Red Cross | Jay's Peach Primo Red Cross |
7 Pot Lava Yellow | Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion |
7 Pot Mustard | Jigsaw |
7 Pot Peach SG | Jigsaw |
7 Pot Pink | Jigsaw x Moruga |
7 Pot Primo Chocolate | Jonah |
7 Pot Primo Yellow | King Naga Jolokia |
7 Pot Slimer | Komodo Dragon |
7 Pot White BBG | Korean Hot |
Aji Benito | Kostadinov Striated |
Aji Brazilian Starfish Orange | Kraken Scorpion |
Aji Cachucha | Kraken Scorpion Peach |
Aji Cachucha Purple Splotched | KS Lemon StarrBurst |
Aji Chombo | KS Starracha Pumpkin |
Aji Crystal | La Bomba II Jalapeno |
Aji Guyana | Large Red 7 POD |
Aji Orange Drop Limon Kellu Uchu | Lava Scorpion |
Aji Panca | Lemon Drop Chili |
Aji Pineapple | Lemon Spice Jalapeño |
Aji Pingo | Leutshauer Paprika |
Aji Rojo/ Puca-Uchu | Leviathan Gnarly Scorpion |
Aji Sugar Rush Cream | Lightning Habanero Chocolate |
Aji Sugar Rush Peach | Lightning Habanero Peach |
Aji Sugar Rush Red | Lilac Bell - Sweet |
Aji White Fantasy | Lipstick |
Aji Yellow | Little Bastard |
Akabare Khorsani | Long Red Slim Cayenne |
Aleppo | MA Wartryx |
Antillais Red Caribbean | Mad Hatter |
Antohi Romanian | Madballz Chocolate |
Apacalypse Chocolate | Manzano Red |
Apocalypse Scorpion | Manzano Yellow |
Baby Yellow Bell | Marconi Golden |
Bahamian Goat | Mini Piperka |
BBG7 Red Large | Mira Sweet Pepper |
BBM X SR Strain | MOA Scotch Bonnet |
Bhu Jolokia Ghost - Wrinkled | MOAB Mustard Ghost |
Bhut Jolokia (Ghost) Caramel | Monster Jalapeno |
Bhut Jolokia (Ghost) Peach WM | Morich x Reaper |
Bhut Jolokia Assam Yellow | Moruga Brown |
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Ghost | Moruga Scorpion Caramel |
Bhut Jolokia Ghost | Moruga Scorpion Chocolate |
Bhut Jolokia Orange Copenhagen | Moruga Scorpion Yellow |
Bhut Jolokia Yellow Ghost | Moruglah |
Bhut Neyde Cross | MRM X 7 POT Brown Peachy |
Bhut Neyde x Peach Ghost Cross | Murupi Amarela |
Bhutlah Chocolate CS | Muster Naga |
Bhutlah Decimater | Naga Bengal |
Bhutlah Yellow | Naga Black |
Bhutlah Yellow | Naga Brain Red |
Big Black Mama | Naga Dorset Orange |
Big Mustard Mama | Naga Morich |
Big Red Mama | Naglah Brown |
Big Yellow Mama | Neon BBG |
Bih Jolokia Black | Oda Pepper |
Bih Jolokia x Sugar Rush Peach | Ogonyok |
Biqinho White | Orange Apocalypse |
Biquinho Hot Pepper | Orange Blaze |
Bird Pepper | Orange Blob |
Bishops Crown | Orange Spice Jalapeño |
Black Bastard | Orange Sweet Bell |
Black Bhutlah | Orange Thai |
Black Hungarian Pepper | Oxkutzcabian Orange |
Black Panther Orange | Papa Dreadie |
Black Pearl | Paradicsom Alaku Sarga Szentes Pepper |
Black Stinger | Peach Bhut Jolokia Ghost |
Blue Ghost | Peach Ghost Jami |
Blue Ghost Chocolate | Peach Reaper |
Blushing Beauty | Peachadew |
BOC x Reaper Orange | Peaches N Cream |
Bonda Mahala | Pepper Aji Charapita |
BORG 9 | Pequin |
BORG 9 Chocolate | Peter Orange |
Borg 9 Peach | Peter Pepper |
Brain Strain Red | Peter Yellow |
Brazilian Ghost Brown | Piment Leopard |
Brazilian Starfish | Pimenta Black Bhut |
Brown Jalapeno | Pimenta Moranga Peach Cross |
Buena Mulata | Pimenta Puma |
Butch T Scorpion | Pimento |
Cajun Belle | Pink Tiger |
Candy Cane | Pink Tiger x Peach Bhut |
CAP 1478 | Poblano |
Carmen | Primo x BOC |
Carolina Reaper | Primo x Butch T Yellow |
Cayenne Purple | Pumpkin Spice Jalapeño |
CGN 21500 | Purple Ghost Scorpion |
Cherry Bomb | Purple Reaper |
Chilhuacle Negro | Purple Tiger x Jalapeno |
Chocolate Beauty | Purple UFO |
Chocolate Bhutlah SM | Rain Forest |
Chocolate Fatalii | Red Cap Mushroom |
Chocolate Jigsaw | Red Rocket |
Chocolate Reaper | Red Rocoto |
Chocolate Scorpion | Red Savina |
Chocolate X Mustard Scorpion Cross | Red Scotch Bonnet x Choc. Habanero |
Conquistador | Redgum TigerMAMP x Chocolate Nagabrains |
Corno di Toro Red | Ring Of Fire |
Corno di Toro Yellow | Rooster Spur |
Count Dracula | Sahuaro Biggie Chili |
Crazy Ghost Tail | Santa Fe Grande |
Cumra Cherry | Scorpion BTR - Butch T Scorpion x Reaper |
Daisy Cutter | Scorpion Red Venom |
Datil Pepper | Scorpion x Douglah |
De Arbol Purple | Scotch Bonnet Freeport Orange |
Death Spiral | Scotch Bonnet Jamaican Red |
Defcon 7 (Big Brown Pheno) | Scotch Bonnet MOA Red |
Devil's Brain | Scotch Brains |
Devil's Nagabrains Red | Sepia Serpent |
Devil's Tongue Red | Serrano |
Devil's Tongue White | Shattah |
Devil's Tongue Yellow | Shishito |
Dieghito Jalapeno | Skunk Chocolate |
Dolmalik Biber | Skunk Red |
Doux D'Espangne | Star of Turkey |
Dragons Breath | Sunset Sky |
Early Sunsation | Super Hot Beast |
Fatalii | Sweet Apple |
Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw | Sweet Cayenne |
Fatalii x Red Savina | Sweet Chocolate Pepper |
Filius Blue | Sweet Heat |
Fish | Sweet Wrinkled Old Man |
Foodarama Red | Tepin |
Foodarama Scotch Bonnet - Yellow | THSC Black Scorpion Tongue |
Fooled You | Thunder Cacho Brown |
Fools Gold | Thunder Mountain Longhorn |
Frontera Sweet | Trinidad 7 Pot Primo |
Frostbite | Trinidad Douglah - Red |
Fushimi | Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Red |
Genghis Khans Brain | Trinidad Mustard Scorpion |
Girlyanda | Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Yellow |
Goronong | Trinidad Sunrise Scorpion |
Grenada Seasoning | Trinidad Viper Brown Cross |
Guindilla Pepper | Trinidad Viper x Purple Bhut |
Habanada | UFO x Antep Dolma |
Habanero Big Sun | Umorok Chocolate |
Habanero Black | Umorok Red |
Habanero Caribbean Red | White Bell |
Habanero Chocolate | White Bhut Jolokia |
Habanero Lightning Mix | White Bhut Jolokia JW |
Habanero Mustard | White Murupi |
Habanero Orange Craigs | White Thai Heirloom |
Habanero Paper Lantern Red | WickedAss Little 7 Pot (W.A.L.7) |
Habanero Pumpkin | Yellow Hinkelhatz Pepper |
Habanero Red Dominica | Yellow Naga |
Habanero Red - Ugandan Red | Yellow Pequin |
Habanero Yellow | Yellow Pointy |
Habanero Yucatan White | Yellow Reaper Cross |
Hot Beads | Zou-Pi / Sharpei |
Hot Portugal | Zulu Sweet Pepper |
Hope everyone is having a Great summer and Stay Hot & Safe!
-Jason Tate
Bohica Pepper Hut
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