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April 04, 2018
Whew what a week so far.
The drip system is complete and it works amazingly. It drips accurately and it’s going to be much more efficient than the past watering systems we have used. This should save water and reduce any possible diseases or issues that can harm the plants.
So far about 60% of the pepper plants have been planted. The rest will be staggered throughout the next 2-3 weeks once they are mature enough to go outside.
The over-wintered plants are starting to produce already and new growth is exploding from the plants. All these plants are producing flowers and should have a good amount of fruit starting by next week.
Still to go this week is putting together the final touches on a new drip system for the grow bags and then get the plants in the bags right afterward.
Also planning on filling the raised gardens with our soil mix once our supplier gets their organic mix back in stock.
Hopefully Mother Nature will be easy on us this weekend. Another round of temps in the high 30’s is expected but we should be OK.
Until next week…
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June 24, 2020
Just wanted to give everyone an update on the grow progress in the garden.
We are up to around 325 different varieties of peppers that we will eventually have listed for seeds on the site. We will be adding as fast as they are producing.