New Lower $4.95 Flat Rate On Sauce
January 07, 2019
7 Pot Barrackpore | Habanero Yellow |
7 Pot Bhutlah Bubblegum Chocolate | Habanero Yucatan White |
7 Pot Bhutlah Bubblegum Red | Hair Pepper (Kil Biber) |
7 Pot Bubblegum | Hot Beads |
7 Pot Bubblegum Yellow Pepper Plant | Jalapeno Ghostly |
7 Pot Chocolate Brain Strain | Jalapeno Purple |
7 Pot Congo SR Gigantic | Jay's Peach Primo Red Cross |
7 Pot Evergreen | Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion |
7 Pot Jonah x Congo Red | Jimmy Nardello Italian |
7 Pot Katie | Jonah |
7 Pot Lava Red Cross | King Naga Jolokia |
7 Pot Lava Yellow | Kraken Scorpion |
7 Pot Mustard | Kraken Scorpion Peach |
7 Pot Peach SG | KS Lemon StarrBurst |
7 Pot Pink | Large Red 7 POD |
7 Pot Primo Yellow | Lava Scorpion |
Aji Benito | Lemon Chile |
Aji Cachucha | Lemon Spice Jalapeño |
Aji Chombo | Lightning Habanero Chocolate |
Aji Crystal | Lightning Habanero Peach |
Aji Pingo | Lightning Habanero Red |
Aji Rojo/ Puca-Uchu | MA Wartryx |
Aji Sugar Rush Peach | Malawi Piquante |
Aji Sugar Rush Red | Manganji Sweet |
Aji White Fantasy | Manzano Red |
Aji Yellow | Manzano Yellow |
Albino Bull Nose | Mira Sweet |
Aleppo | Mirasol |
Apocalypse Scorpion | MOA Scotch Bonnet |
Bahamian Goat | MOAB Mustard Ghost |
Bhut Jolokia (Ghost) Caramel | Moruga Scorpion Caramel |
Bhut Jolokia (Ghost) Peach WM | Moruga Scorpion Chocolate |
Bhut Jolokia Assam Yellow | Moruga Scorpion Yellow |
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Ghost | Murasaki Purple |
Bhut Jolokia Ghost | Naga Bengal |
Bhut Jolokia Orange Copenhagen | Naga Black |
Bhut Jolokia Yellow Ghost | Naga Brain Red |
Bhut Neyde Cross | Naga Dorset Orange |
Bhutlah Chocolate CS | Naga Kiing |
Bhutlah Yellow | Naga Morich |
Big Black Mama | Naga Yellow |
Big Mustard Mama | Naglah Brown |
Big Yellow Mama | Nose Pepper |
Bih Jolokia | Oda |
Bih Jolokia Black | Orange Blob |
Bih Jolokia Caramel | Orange Spice Jalapeño |
Bih Jolokia x Sugar Rush Peach | Padron |
Biquinho Hot | Papa Dreadie |
Bishops Crown | Paradicsom Alaku Sarga Szentes |
Black Betty | Pasilla Bajio |
Black Bhutlah | Peach Bhut Jolokia Ghost |
Black Hungarian | Peach Ghost Jami |
Black Panther Orange | Peach Reaper |
Black Pearl | Peaches N Cream |
Black Stinger | Peachgum TigerMAMP (No Calyx) |
BORG 9 | Pepper Aji Charapita |
BORG 9 Chocolate | Pequin |
Brain Strain Red | Peter Pepper |
Brazilian Ghost Brown | Piment Jaune Sucree Sweet |
Brazilian Starfish | Piment Leopard |
Brown Naglah | Pimenta Black Bhut |
Butch T Scorpion | Pimenta Moranga Peach Cross |
Candy Cane | Pumpkin Spice Jalapeño |
Carmen | Purple Beauty |
Carolina Reaper | Purple Ghost Scorpion |
CGN 21500 | Red Rocoto |
Chimayo | Red Savina |
Chocolate Beauty | Redgum TigerMAMP x Chocolate Nagabrains |
Chocolate Bhutlah SM | Rezha Macedonian |
Chocolate Fatalii | San Felipe |
Chocolate Reaper | Santa Domingo Pueblo |
Chocolate Scorpion | Scorpion BTR - Butch T Scorpion x Reaper |
Chocolate X Mustard Scorpion Cross | Scorpion x Douglah |
Clamshell Bhutlah | Scotch Bonnet Freeport Orange |
Clavo - Peach | Scotch Bonnet MOA Red |
Corbaci | Scotch Brains |
Criolla De Cocina | Sepia Serpent |
Cumra Cherry | SepiaReaper x Pimenta de Neyde |
Datil | Shishito |
Death Spiral | Sinahuisa |
Devil's Nagabrains Red | Skunk Chocolate |
Devil's Tongue White | Skunk Red |
Devil's Tongue Yellow | Spiky Ghost |
Dragons Breath | Star of Turkey |
Fatalii White | Super Hot Beast |
Fidalga Preto | Sweet Chocolate |
Fish | Tarahumara |
Flamingo | Thunder Mountain Longhorn |
Foodarama Scotch Bonnet - Yellow | Trinidad 7 Pot Primo |
Genghis Khans Brain | Trinidad Cherry |
Goronong | Trinidad Douglah - Red |
Gumball Pepper | Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Red |
Habanada | Trinidad Mustard Scorpion |
Habanero Big Sun | Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Yellow |
Habanero Black | White Bhut Jolokia |
Habanero Caribbean Red | White Bhut Jolokia JW |
Habanero Chocolate | WickedAss Little 7 Pot (W.A.L.7) |
Habanero Mustard | Yellow Hinkelhatz |
Habanero Orange Craigs | Yellow Naga |
Habanero Paper Lantern Red | Yellow Reaper Cross |
Habanero Red Dominica | Yellow Reaper Hybrid |
Habanero Red - Ugandan Red | Zulu Sweet |
Habanero Tabaquite |
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June 24, 2020
Just wanted to give everyone an update on the grow progress in the garden.
We are up to around 325 different varieties of peppers that we will eventually have listed for seeds on the site. We will be adding as fast as they are producing.