New Lower $4.95 Flat Rate On Sauce
March 26, 2018
Mother Nature has decided it still wants to hold onto winter for a couple more days. While we survived without getting any of the freezing temps, it was still too rainy and cold to really get anything accomplished outside this week.
Half of the drip system is installed and looking to complete that by midweek so we can finally get the Pepper Plants in the ground. Hooray!!!
By this time next week we should have about 80% of the peppers in the ground. A couple other varieties got a late start and still need a few more weeks in the grow room.
Also – the Greenhouse will be emptied and all the over-wintered plants will be placed in their spots.
Bring on the Hot Weather!!!
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June 24, 2020
Just wanted to give everyone an update on the grow progress in the garden.
We are up to around 325 different varieties of peppers that we will eventually have listed for seeds on the site. We will be adding as fast as they are producing.