New Lower $4.95 Flat Rate On Sauce
March 21, 2017 2 Comments
Spring has sprung and looks like the forecast for the next 10 days will be granting us an early start to this years pepper crop. Garden has been tilled and new irrigation is set up and ready to go. This weekend we will be planting over 220 pepper plants in our garden. We will also begin removing all the mature plants that have been housed in the Pepper Hut over the winter. These already have hundreds of buds sprouting so the pepper crop will be soon.
The website is also close to our official Grand Opening. Shooting for an April 1st launch(no fooling around on that).
See you soon!
April 10, 2019
Can’t wait for this season, hoping to ramp up sauce production this year!
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June 24, 2020
Just wanted to give everyone an update on the grow progress in the garden.
We are up to around 325 different varieties of peppers that we will eventually have listed for seeds on the site. We will be adding as fast as they are producing.
June 28, 2019
I can’t wait for more Dragons Breath seeds, I have been waiting for them seeds!!